
Gene Moore

He was a baseball prodigy. At the age of fifteen, Gene Moore was a boy, playing like a man, in a game where men, play like boys.

Headed for baseball stardom with the Brooklyn Dodgers, his destiny was interrupted by
Pearl Harbor.
His life... and
maybe our
would be
forever altered.

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Choosing Optimism or Pessimism!
December 27th 2008

I have received so many letters and comments from newsletter and blog readers about my emails, encouraging everyone not to panic over economic conditions. One reader recently commented, "You must not be affected or you would not be so calm." Well, let me share with you that I am and continue to be devastated by the world economy. My business has been forced into dormancy due to the lack of consumer credit available for their purchases from my company, which has caused many of our customers to default on their obligations to our firm. My losses, both monetary and emotional are higher than I can count, but here is how I remain calm and positive.

There are only two things I can control in life, my attitude and my efforts. I know if I remain positive and work hard, I can overcome the obstacles that face me. I also know if I worry and complain about the state of things, my attitude will turn negative and I will give up. I choose to control the only two things in life that I can … my attitude and my effort. I choose to remain positive about my situation and optimistic about my future. I choose to turn my optimism into action and create the success I desire. What else can I do? What else can we do? We cannot control greed on Wall Street. We cannot change the devastating effects of the mortgage crisis. I cannot change the fact my business relies on consumer credit organizations that are all failing or getting out of the business. I cannot control the fact our customers are defaulting and cannot pay us. They are in most ways, in the same boat with us. The only control I have is over our attitude and effort.

There are no guarantees in life. We all experience successes and failures in our personal and professional journey. We enjoy great happiness and endure great sadness. I encourage you to make the same choices I am making. I choose to believe the greatest successes of my life and my greatest happiness is in my future are not in my past. I choose to believe that the efforts I make will be directly responsible for the benefits I will reap. I choose optimism over pessimism and choose hard work over collapse. I truly believe the best days of our lives and of our nation are right around the corner! I know our belief systems determine our destinations. Believe the best about you, your family and future.

Let's all make the decision that 2009 will the best year of our lives then go to work to make it so!

Warmest Regards,


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