
Gene Moore

He was a baseball prodigy. At the age of fifteen, Gene Moore was a boy, playing like a man, in a game where men, play like boys.

Headed for baseball stardom with the Brooklyn Dodgers, his destiny was interrupted by
Pearl Harbor.
His life... and
maybe our
would be
forever altered.

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What's Next?
Monday, October 8th 2007

We are having what we call "Indian Summer" in northern Illinois and the weather is remarkably hot and humid. Fall is my favorite time of year and I am concerned we are going to jump straight from summer to winter!

I am often asked what I am working on and when or if there is a next book. I thought I would take a moment to answer those questions.

First of all, I have several works in progress. I am writing a book commissioned by a major motion picture company based upon the life of a WWII fighter pilot. It is reverse engineering of sorts, as I am writing this book based upon an already written screenplay, which will be produced in 2009. I am having fun working on this project and am thrilled and honored to be chosen as the author. I am also working on a George Washington project that I think you will find dramatically different from other Washington books on the market. I have always been a big fan of George, so this is a labor of love.

I think of more interest to the fans of Playing with the Enemy is a project I have recently outlined and will begin writing when I finish my current book. Frank Boudreau, the man in the shiny blue Buick who scouted and signed Gene with the Dodgers and later with the Pirates is a wonderful character. I am fascinated with Frank's personality and intellect and think a story of his life will be a joy to write. I hope you'll agree!

Playing with the Enemy continues to spread across the globe. I cannot give details yet, but one of the largest publishers in the world (Hint: A waddling black and white lovable bird found in Antarctica) has entered into an agreement with Savas Beatie, LLC to publish this book in paperback! This is a win-win for all of us involved in this project and the tentative release date for Playing with the Enemy in paperback is spring 2008. Arlene and I will be hitting the road again and as soon as we have the schedule set for the paperback tour, we will post it on the events page. I could not be more excited and hope you will come out to say hi!

As you know, Playing with the Enemy (movie) is in pre-production and announcements about cast should be made very soon. I think you will be very impressed. Wish I could tell you more, but I am sure announcements are just days or weeks away. I can tell you that David Ranes has been selected to direct Playing with the Enemy and I think he is the perfect man for the job.

In preparation for the role of his life, Toby (www.tobymoore.com) has been playing baseball and being coached by former major league stand-out with the Los Angeles Dodgers, Steve Yeager (72-86). To say I am envious would be an understatement! What I wouldn't give to just play catch for a few moments with Steve Yeager! What an amazing ride this whole process has become. What would Toby's grandfather think of all this? Think of it... one of the Dodgers greatest catchers is training Toby to play his grandfather, who was destined to also be one of the Dodgers' greatest catchers. I think the term "stranger than fiction" is applicable here.

Amazing stuff, isn't it?

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Southwest Airlines is the Proud Sponsor of the Playing with the Enemy Hardcover Book Tour!

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